**Please enjoy this little unedited scene to wrap up ALCR. I couldn't bring myself to not show the party, so here you go.**


“Why is it taking so long for us to get home, Daddy? I’m hungry,” Raymond whines from the passenger seat.

I smother a grin at his petulance. My boy is at his limit, and I know if I don’t get him home soon he’ll turn into a little gremlin. Eating is no joke now that he’s back to feeling more like himself.

Dr. Wayne cleared him ages ago, though there were still a number of lingering side effects after the surgery. It wasn’t until recently that I noticed a brightening in his eyes that spoke of him feeling immensely better than he was all those weeks ago.

“We’ll be going home soon. It just felt like a nice night for a drive.” And Bellamy hasn’t texted me it’s all clear yet.

As if he’s reading my mind, my car’s Bluetooth alerts me to a text. It’s a simple coded message from Bellamy.

BB: Green.

My boy stares at the screen with a confused expression. “Is he ok? I wonder if I should tell Finn his Daddy is randomly texting you colors.”

“No reason to worry him. I’m sure all is fine. Let’s get home and feed you.” I reach over to pat his thigh, thankful I can use food to distract him.

“Yes, Daddy! I’m very, very hungry. I didn’t get to eat much today and I’m still trying to figure out a good eating schedule.”

It’s been a tough transition for him to relearn parts of his body. We discovered that a big reason he’s put on weight before was due to a retention of fluid in his body. That mixed with an unhealthy diet, and you had a recipe that lead to him not feeling his best.

But now he’s got me. And I’m willing to spend exorbitant amounts of money on food. There is no cost too high for my Amorcito.

At the condo, I park quickly so I can get him upstairs. I can’t wait anymore to see his expression when he realizes what all we’ve done.

“Now you’re in a hurry? What about when I was starving in the car, Daddy?!?”

I roll my eyes at his tone as the elevator takes us up to your floor. “You weren’t starving. We had an early lunch before the movie. There isn’t a change I’d truly let you go without.”

“It’s like edging but with food,” he grumbles in rebuttal.

“Edging, huh? I’m up for it later if that’s what you want.” I kiss along his neck, my mind taking on thoughts of how I can play out the fantasy later.

Raymond’s head tilts back as he lets me have my way with him. I nuzzle in the space a moment longer, then I pull back to calm my aching cock down before we face everyone.

My boy’s eyes are blow wide, his desire so blatant I almost regret the plan. I have to remind myself I can have him after everything is over. Patience.

Looks like I’m the one getting edged now. Just great.

When we get to my floor, I shuffle Raymond ahead of me, so he’ll be the first to be spotted by all of our friends. My moves pay off the second we cross into the living room space and are greeted by a chorus of “Surprise!” from friends and family.



“What is going on?”

I look around the room taking in all the people here. The Bellports are grouped together to one side with Ma and Rodney near them. I spy Finn in the mix too, along with other faces I don’t expect to see, including several Bulldog players.

At the sight of Andy, Rosalie, and Carter, tears well in my eyes. I turn to Daddy with a wobbly smile. “What did you do?”

He gives me a soft expression. “You deserve to be celebrated. We might be Super Bowl famous, but you’re just as big a star in all of our lives.”

I pull him into a kiss as emotions war within me. Happiness and hunger and an overwhelming sense of rightness all fight for dominance.

Since Daddy knows me better than anyone, he eases back from the kiss and pushes me to our friends as he says, “I’ll make you a plate of food. Say hi to everyone first.”

The second he steps away everyone rushes to me to give me hugs and to congratulate me on turning another year older. I take it all in, accepting the love they all pour out. It’s amazing to me how different this year is from the ones prior. I’m in a better place with better people. I’m loved and healthy.

“I can’t believe you three are here. I’m very happy you’re here,” I tell Andy, Rosalie, and her son. “How did Aries even find you?”

Andy laughs heartily. “Honey, I’ve driven the same route for a long, long time. I’m sure your man heard a story or two about me and put the pieces together. After that it was easy to grab these two cuties.”

“She’s right. The minute Andy mentioned your party, I knew I should come. Especially after all the Bulldogs have done for us,” Rosalie adds.

Carter tugs on his mom’s dress as he points toward the dessert table. “I want cake! There’s a birthday cake, right?”

I laugh at his eagerness before shooing her away. Left with Andy, I waste no time in asking her what Rosalie means by saying the Bulldogs have helped.

Andy puts a hand on my shoulder as her eyes water with tears. “When Aries reached out to me, it wasn’t just to ask me to come to the party. He wanted to know more about me and about Rosalie too. A few days after the first call, he rang again.”

For some reason I feel tears start to well at the story. It could be because she’s already crying, or maybe because I feel like she’s about to say something to make me love Aries even more.

“What did he do, Andy?” I whisper as I scoot closer to her side.

She smiles softly as she leans in to share the secret. “What didn’t he do? He bought Rosalie and Carter a cute little place a block over from my place. He asked Mr. Bellport, err Bellamy, if there were any jobs Rosalie could have with a better schedule. Not only did she get a new day shift that will have her home every night, but they also have after-school care setup for her too. I turned down his offer to spoil me after telling him I loved what I did and didn’t need much else in life than to know my two favorite riders were taken care of and happy.”

I lose my battle to hold in my tears. Andy tucks me to her shoulder as I break apart under the weight of my love for Aries Merry. I can’t believe I’m so blessedly lucky to call this man mine and to be on the receiving end of his generous love.

“I leave for two minutes to get food and you let him lose it, Andy… I thought you had my back.”

Andy shakes her head as I pull back. “Aries, I didn’t do anything but tell him the truth of your kindness. Feed the boy and then let him enjoy his day. He more than deserves it.”

With a peck to my cheek, she leaves me to mingle with the others at the party. I watch her go, my heart so full I can barely stand it.

“I love you so much, Daddy,” I tell him once we’re alone.

He grins at me, then lifts a plate piled high with all kinds of snacks and dessert items. “Let’s get you fed. Then you can grill me about the gifts for your friends. And maybe after, you and Finn can setup a spot where you’ll open presents.”

“Present!? As in more than one?” I whip my head around to see if I can find the gifts he’s speaking of. “I was already given so much at the holidays. Why give me more?”

“Because you deserve it. Because we love you. Because we can. Don’t question it all, Amorcito. Let us show you how much you mean to us.”

I nod before moving to do everything he says. We eat and laugh, both alone and then with the whole group. It’s a joyous event filling the condo with echoes of laughter and joy.

By the time we get to the gifts, I’m overwhelmed with how much I’ve been doted on. Every single person shows up with at least one gift for me.

Finn gives me a set of pajamas that match his for when we do movie nights. Bellamy throws in a gift basket full of snacks and an offer to use his place for any night we want. Andy and Rosalie go in together to buy me a new bike. It was something I’d mentioned on our bus rides, though I’d never had the money to get myself.

The Bellport family gifts me a variety of things from gift cards to places in town all the way to an offer for any job I wish to have at any Bellport owned business around. Rosalie shouts, “Winning!” at that. We all laugh at her joy and I’m so happy to see the woman I recall for being overworked and miserable be so happy.

A few of Daddy’s teammates are there and hand me their gifts with eager smiles. I receive a whole mess of toys with everything from basic playing cards to a voucher for Build-A-Bear. My favorite present comes from Jett. He gifts me a train set and offers to help me put it together. I’m most excited for that since I think it will be a lot of fun.

We eat and celebrate for hours before the group starts to dissipate. The Bellport extended family are the first to leave. From there, Andy takes Rosalie and Carter with her so she can drop them off at home. Bit by bit, the Bulldogs players who came leave with their well wishes shouted back to us.

When it comes to an end, we’re left alone with piles of presents and a somewhat clean living room. The kitchen is a disaster, though it doesn’t seem to bother Daddy one bit.

“Did you have a good birthday, Amorcito?” The man in question pulls me into his side as we snuggle on the couch.

“I did, Daddy. Best birthday ever. I can’t imagine a day better than this.”

He kisses my forehead then scoffs. “Oh, baby. This is only the first of many birthdays. I plan to go bigger and better each year. It’s the least I can do for the man I love.”


The end... for now
