Steamy Bonus


“What happens now?” I ask the question knowing that whatever he says I’ll do. Anything at all he wants, I’ll give him.

Zane’s expression is neutral when he speaks. There’s no trace of whether he’s happy or angry with my decision to give away my company to Dylan. While I get that it was a ruse on his part, I’m not sure he can fathom how serious I am.

Part of me wants to yell for that Dallas character to come back so we can make it all official. It’s hard to hold it in, but I know I need to be patient.

My princess is running the show. I’m merely a spectator.

“Now? Now, you have to face the music. I have good news and bad news. Tell me which you want first,” he says calmly.

“Good news! Please! Put me out of my misery.”

The corner of his mouth kicks up like he knows some sort of secret I don’t. It’s intoxicating to watch this power radiate between us. Normally I’m the leader of where things go. With my recent epic fuck up, he’s taken the helm to steer our ship back on course.

Thank goodness for that too. I’ve been out of my mind trying to figure out how not to further hurt the two people I love most in this world.

“The good news is: Ean and Rhett decided to buy us a trip back to the Bahamas. It’s all paid for.”

He throws something on my desk. I ignore it in favor of watching him stride around my office as he heads to the couch.

Needing to know the whole picture I ask, “And the bad news?”

“The bad news is that misbehavior deserves consequences. I think a spanking is what Daddy needs to learn his lesson.” My mouth dries up as he sinks into the couch and pats at his leg. “Come now, Daddy. Don’t fight it. I’ll go easy on you. Only twenty or so should do.”

“If that’s what you think is best, Princess. Let me just lock the door.”

He’s quick to stop me. “No need! Kendall and Dylan are both on guard. All you need to do is come lay over my lap and take this like a good Daddy.”

I don’t stop to think it through. I simply stand to make my way to him. He’s the answer to everything. The key to my happiness and the light in my world. Without him there’s been only darkness. Only a void I haven’t been able to fill.

For the first time since he’s come into my office, some of the mask my princess wears slips. His gaze heats and there’s even a glimpse of joy shining in his features.

That only solidifies my belief that I’ve made the right decision.

When I reach him, I move into the position he requested - directly over his lap. I press my face into the cushion, letting the relief of being near him take over me.

“Don’t forget to count.” His words come as the first hit lands on my left cheek.

The feel of the strike isn’t painful. It’s sharp and quick, yet not enough to make me falter in the knowledge this was the right move.

“One,” I say aloud when he doesn’t continue the process.

“Good Daddy.”

I shiver at the tenderness his voice possesses. His hand grips my waist, keeping me in place as he delivers another spanking.

“Two.” Smack.

“Three.” Smack.

“Four.” Smack.

We go on and on, the sting in my ass growing with each one until it’s a continuous burn. Even then, I power through because I know this is what my princess needs of me. It’s what will help us get back to the place we’re meant to be.


“And then there were,” he whispers.


I sag in relief at the last hit. I hadn’t realized how tense I’d been through it all until now. There was no way I’d stop of my own choice, but having never been spanked before, I had no clue if my body would fail before my mind.

“You can stand up now. Be easy. You’re going to feel off kilter, Daddy.”

He holds my hand as I push up to my feet. Just as he said, I can feel the wobbling in my legs once I reach my full height.

My princess stands with me, his hands holding my hips as if he means to catch me should I lose my balance. If I wasn’t convinced he’d forgiven me before, that alone would tell me leaps more than words ever could.

But it doesn’t hurt to ask.

“Does this mean I’m forgiven?”

He smiles, and it’s like the world finally rights itself. “I’d forgiven you before. This was just a lesson Daddy needed so he’ll behave himself later.”

“Still a brat, even when you try to dominate me, huh?”

“Always, Daddy. And since I’m still in charge, I suggest you pull that big cock out and show me how much you’ve missed me.”

I’m moving before he can finish his sentence. My pants drop to the floor as I rip and tear to remove everything I’m wearing. Fabric tears. Buttons pop. Still, I don’t slow my movements until I’m bare for him.

“So eager. I love it!”

With more subdued progress than I took, he takes his clothes off. The second I feel his skin brush against mine, I’m on him.

My fingers sink into the globes of his ass as I kiss his lips hungrily. I’m desperate for him. Zealous in a way I’ve never experienced before.

“Take me, Daddy. Do it now!”

He spins away from me, bending at the waist as he grabs the back of the couch. The change of position puts him on full display.

“I’ll need to get you ready. I don’t want to hurt you, Princess.”

His head shakes as he wiggles his ass in the way I love. It sends a bolt of lust through me. I reach down to squeeze my cock, hopeful to stop the high-speed orgasm racing to come forth.

“No need. I prepped before we came today. I’m more than readyyyy…”

“Good boy,” I grunt as I sink into him. Knowing he came with the intention to forgive me and take me back takes away every morsel of my control.

I give him everything I have. We fuck as if we’re mad for each other. As if this is the last chance we’ll ever have and there’s never a moment like this once we’re done.

My princess tightens around my cock as I try to continue the pace I’ve set. It’s useless though. The whimper he emits as he falls apart sends me flying as well.

Our breaths are ragged and choppy when we finally come to. Or rather, when I do. I guess the force of the release was so strong I blacked out a bit.

Could also be the smarting he gave my ass putting me in a state that only heightened once he and I came together.

“There you are,” he says gently. “I wondered when you’d come back around.”

I smile at him as he strokes my jaw. We’ve ended up laying on the couch, the both of us still naked and covered in cum.

“How long was I out?”

“Not long. A few minutes maybe. I would have cleaned us up, but I couldn’t stop staring at you. You’re so peaceful when you sleep, Daddy.”

His fingers trail over my brow and down my nose. He eyes hold no humor. Only love. Always love.

“You’re going to be mine forever, aren’t you, Princess?”

“Absolutely, Daddy. There’s no getting rid of me now.”

Sweet Bonus


“It’s so nice to meet you,” mom tells Callum as we sit down in the restaurant. “Zane has been rather tight lipped over you since he’s returned home.”

Callum laughs as he glances over at me. There’s only affection in the look and I bask in how good it feels.

“I’ll admit I’m much the opposite. My assistant had to convince me not to take up a billboard or two to announce how excited I was to have Zane in my life.”

Mom giggles and Alicia rolls her eyes. My sister sips at a cocktail as she remains unusually quiet. When they both pressed for this meeting, I should have known they’d do a good cop/bad cop routine on the man I love.

I try to give my sister a look to let her know it’s unnecessary, but she won’t even glance my way. At least Timothy is in a good mood about my boyfriend.

“You know Princess Aster?”

At the random question from my brother, Callum doesn’t even hesitate. “I sure do. He’s been rather kind to let me come to A Little Slice of Paradise with Zane.”

“I love it there! We should go again soon. I’ll invite you to the next tea party if you like.”

Callum smiles softly. “It would be an honor.”

“What are your intentions with my brother, Mr. Wild?” Alicia’s question startles me so badly I spill some of the mimosa I’d been taking a hearty gulp of.

“Easy, Zane,” Callum says as he uses his napkin to help clean me up before turning to my sister. “As to your question, my end goal is marriage. I’d like that to happen within the next year, though I understand and respect it if he wishes to wait. I won’t budge past the twelve-month window though. Personally, I’d like to have him living with me, wedded to me, and with me from now until I’m laid to rest”

Well, fuck.

His speech has the effect of leaving all four of us speechless. The first to break is my brother, who not so quietly squeals and says, “does this mean I get a fancy dress?!”

The man I love nods as he smiles over at him. “I’ve already mentioned to Aster we’ll need a custom outfit for you. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to work with him or another designer, but I’m more than willing to facilitate whatever is necessary.”

Again, I’m left without words to say. Tears fall from my eyes unbidden as my love for him grows.

“Don’t cry. I wouldn’t have said anything this soon. I didn’t feel it right to lie. Did I scare you?”

He makes me feel like I’m the only person in the restaurant even though I know there’s more than one set of eyes on us. I nod my head as I lean into his hand cupping my cheek.

“It’s a good kind of scary, though. I’d marry you today if I could. There’s not an ending ahead that you aren’t a part of.”

Callum smiles at me before pulling back quickly. Next thing I know he’s on one knee beside my chair with a gorgeous white gold engagement ring pointed in my direction.

“I’m glad you feel the same. Why don’t we skip to the good part then? Marry me, Zane. Let us craft the perfect life together.”


At my shout, the room erupts into applause. Mom cries happily and I even see Alicia wearing a smile for once. Timothy dances in his seat and hums the wedding march.

Life can’t get much better than this.


As we leave the restaurant, Callum’s name is called out. The man approaching is young, somewhere close to my age I’d guess. He’s handsome with black hair, a chiseled jaw, and bright blue eyes.

“I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks,” the other man says.

“My apologies, Dawson. I’ve been rather busy. Kendall coordinates my schedule. I’m sure she’s tried to work you in as best she could.”

Something about the way Callum speaks to this other man has my hackles rising. I don’t like it.

The Little side of me especially feels an itch to mark Daddy as mine.

As we stand there, the two men go back and forth about something or other business related. I only half listen as I try to contain the jealous building inside.

I’m doing a great job up until the moment the other guy puts his hand on Daddy. My body moves closer to Daddy, forcing him to shift slightly in a way that removes the offending hand.

“Hi! I don’t think we’ve met. I’m D - Callum’s fiancée. You are?”

My voice is tight and I’m sure my eyes look positively evil. Still, I don’t fight the need to claim the man I love over this overly touchy-feely person.

My Daddy.


No touchy.

“I’m Dawson. Callum and I have discussed a few collaborations in the past. I’d been looking forward to connecting soon, though I fear I’m too late.” His innuendo is plain as day.

“Yes. You are. Well then, we must be going. Bye!” I steer Daddy away from him down the street to where I see our driver waiting. Traffic is so bad he still hadn’t made it to us during that long-as-fuck flirting Dawson tried with my man.

The second we get in the car, I’m on Daddy’s lap. I tuck my face into his neck as I soak in his scent.

His arms wrap around me. “I have to admit something, Princess. Daddy likes you jealous.”

“And I like you as mine!”

He chuckles underneath me, his body shaking mine. “I’ll always be yours. No need to ever question it. You just beat me to shutting him down.”

“Next time work faster.”

“Yes, Princess. Anything else?”

“I want ice cream.”

“Done. You can even have an extra scoop for protecting me from the big, bad flirt.” I know he’s teasing me, but I don’t feel offended at all.

“I’m glad you can see reason in all of this. I love you, Daddy.”

“Love you too, Princess.”
